Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thinking versus Doing

Recently I've been reading a book that I highly recommend.  The book is called "Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson.  Yesterday I read a section that totally drilled me.  Mark talked about how many times we are lazy in our actions.  We pray and ask God to help us but never doing anything ourselves.  He says that "signs follow faith".  To many times I have found myself thinking of great ideas but never acting on them.  Mark reminded me that God's Word tells us that God isn't going to say... well said my good and faithful servant or well thought my good and faithful servant.  God is going to one day say..."Well DONE my good and faithful servant".  

To many times I find myself waiting on God to move when He is really waiting on me to move.  Don't get me wrong there are times when we need to wait on God but I think if we're honest with ourselves most of the time that is just an excuse.  

Mark also mentions that when we begin to make excuses like this we are irresponsibly responsible.  We are being irresponsible with the responsibility God has given us.  We should rather be responsibly irresponsible.  Meaning that we start to put God's passions in front of our own and by faith step out.  I.E.  Noah left his job to build an ark.  David left his sheep to fight Goliath.  Moses left his comfortable home to lead a complaining group of people.  

I've been challenged to look for areas of my life that I just need to step out and act.  What are some areas you need to step out and act on?

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