Let me explain this with the understanding that I'm talking about churches in America. Some churches are popular because of the style of their music. Some churches are popular because they put on great programs. Other churches are popular because of what it offers the people who come (children's church, youth group, singles ministries, shut-in ministries and you get the idea). And some churches are established because of barriers... i.e. spanish speaking churches or churches for the poor/homeless.
Its easy to look at all of these styles and say how awesomely diverse the Kingdom of God is. And that is a 100% true statement. Diverse styles are necessary! I guess my question comes from the discussions of yesterday's blog and myspace post.
Are our styles a reflection of what this diverse nation needs or are we just dividing our churches according to the styles of ministry that we prefer it to look like? Here's a few examples...
.01 Cutting Edge Churches: They have the lights, video, rock bands/rap groups, cafe', flashy designs and fun for the entire family. While that connects with a younger generation what about those who are older? What about reaching to the older generations who aren't saved? Is it truly as relevant as we say it is?
.02 Ethnic Churches: Some churches in different ethnic communities were established to help other cultures new to America connect to Christ. With language and culture being the issue this was a huge need. Once again great concept, however, are we creating a further racial divide by focusing just on one nationality per church?
.03 Traditional Churches: By allowing older traditions to continue the possibility is that we could be dating our churches in such a way that younger generations can't connect. (example: older songs, dress code & old english style Bibles)
If you can't tell what I'm getting at yet this should sum it up for you. If all we can do is worship to a certain style of Christianity are we not worshipping a style rather than our Lord? That's hard to differentiate because styles are necessary. However, I do think its worth asking! Are we being who God has called us to be or who we want to be?
What do you think?
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